Executive Education Program

The Executive Education Program of the Center for African Studies at Howard University is a niche program that is designed for working professionals engaged in African affairs. It aims to enable management teams, boards of directors, senior leaders, mid-career professionals, and emerging young leaders to realize their full potential when they lead projects that are located in Africa or involve the African diaspora. Like many executive programs, our target audience includes government agencies, international organizations, and global businesses. Unlike many executive programs, we also seek to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in executive education by providing graduate students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with opportunities to participate in many of our programs at little to no cost.  Home to hundreds of Africa experts across many fields as well as the largest African languages program outside of the continent, Howard University’s Center for African Studies is uniquely positioned to provide impactful cultural and linguistic competency training for established and emerging global leaders.

In the global marketplace, leaders must be culturally competent to guide their organizations to success. With its ballooning population, Africa and its diaspora are becoming increasingly important players and spaces in this arena.  Right now, we don't have enough leaders who fully understand Africa and the African diaspora. Our program will help to bridge that gap. ~ Krista Johnson, Howard University

There are many executive education programs that seek to develop the knowledge and skills of management teams, boards of directors, and senior leaders. The vast majority focus on the functional areas of business. What sets our program apart is that we focus on a particular regional area of business. We focus on African affairs. ~ Michael Walsh, Howard University

Program Options


Our in-person programs are designed, developed, and delivered to meet the general needs of organizations. These programs are provided as intensive group sessions that are organized around common themes. As an added benefit, these programs offer participants the opportunity to spend time on our historical campus in Washington, DC.


Our online programs are designed, developed, and delivered to meet the general needs of organizations. These programs provide the additional flexibility that many global teams need to be able to pursue professional development education. Some are delivered synchronously; others are delivered asynchronously. Most feature the same faculty as our in-person programs.


Our Custom Education Programs are designed, developed, and delivered to meet the tailored needs of organizations. From policy analysis workshops to scenario-based gaming, we aim to provide the knowledge, skills, and experience that your boards, management, and staff need to achieve socially responsible outcomes.

Expression of Interest

Are you interested in partnering with our program to deliver a custom learning experience for your management team, board of directors, senior leaders, mid-career professionals, or young leaders? If so, please fill out our Expression of Interest form, and someone on our staff will be in touch within 72 hours.

Recent Programs


Feedback from students enrolled in the Women's Entrepreneurship Course:

Gratitude for this moment, this space, this time, this opportunity. ~ Graduate Student

I love that there are solutions to these challenges, and we are part of the solution. ~ Business Owner

Eye opening readings on how to develop a business plan. Very clear and concise ... I started a business without understanding some of these important aspects. I will surely go back to the drawing board. ~ Business Owner

These articles were phenomenal food for thought and such an enlightening way to get us started ... I am beyond elated to think some of these through with my fellow cohort throughout the program and beyond. ~ Graduate Student


Krista Johnson
Center Director

Michael Walsh
Program Director