K-12 Teaching Resources
Gold Road
The Gold Road Interactive Map highlights the people, places, and items related to the medieval Sudanic empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai. Gold, the region’s most valuable resource, moved along regional and trans-Saharan routes reaching as far north as France. The Gold Road invites users to explore hundreds of topics related to the empires and their role in global history.
Go to the Gold Road Project page
Discover Africa in the World
Evidence of Africa in the world is often hidden in plain sight, available but undiscovered. The Discover Africa in the World Project reveals Africa-related sites in regions beyond the continent of Africa.
Go to the Discover Africa in the World Project page
African Tea Traditions Event Series
More widely shared than coffee or wine, tea is the world’s most socially shared drink. Join us for our event series to learn about African Tea Traditions.
Go to the African Tea Traditions page
Young Africans Building a Better World
This gallery "Young Africans Building a Better World" features creative, talented Africans from various countries who are working to create a just, inclusive, and sustainable world.
Go to Young Africans Gallery page
K - 12 Outreach Library
The Outreach Library contains a collection of K-12 materials on Africa including books, artifacts, curriculum materials, audio-visual materials, and electronic resources.
Go to Outreach Library page
Lessons Plans
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Articles, Bibliographies & Videos
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ASA Outreach Website
The African Studies Title VI National Resource Centers (NRCs) formed the African Studies Association (ASA) Outreach Council to help enrich K-16 classrooms with African Studies through outreach initiatives like an annual teacher workshop and the dissemination of teacher resources.
The new ASA outreach website is home to teaching resources, professional development opportunities, and events offered by members of the ASA Outreach Council and other African Studies Centers across the country. The Harvard Center for African Studies manages and updates this website regularly with support from the other nine NRCs for African Studies. All K-16 educators are encouraged to visit the site (linked in the “Read More” button below) and offer any suggestions for desired resources, teaching materials, or other related content.
Go to ASA Outreach Website