Children’s Africana Book Awards

The Children’s Africana Book Awards (CABA) are presented annually to the authors and illustrators of the best children’s and young adult books on Africa published or republished in the U.S. Africa Access and the Outreach Council of the African Studies Association (ASA) created CABA in 1991 to encourage the publication and use of accurate, balanced children’s materials about Africa. #CABAbooks

The Center for African Studies at Howard University is the institutional base for the Awards.

About CABA

CABA has three major objectives:

  • to encourage the publication of children’s and young adult books that contribute to a better understanding of African societies and issues,
  • to recognize literary excellence,
  • and to acknowledge the research achievements of outstanding authors and illustrators.

The awards are presented in two categories:

  • Picture Books
  • Chapter Books

CABA Nomination Process

To nominate a book for a CABA Award, learn about the criteria and nomination process here.

~ Save-the-Date ~
CABA 2024 Awards Luncheon
Saturday, October 26, 2024 
 Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library, Howard University

2024 CABA Winners

The 2024 CABA Winners have been announced!

See the 2024 Winners

2023 CABA Ceremony & Festival Highlights

Thank you for celebrating with us at the 2023 CABA Ceremony & Festival

on Saturday, October 14 at the Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library, Howard University.

Watch CABA