Howard University offers more than 180 Africa-related courses throughout most schools & colleges in the University.
Browse through the undergraduate and graduate department offerings below to see available courses.
Undergraduate Courses
This list was updated for Spring 2020.
College of Arts & Sciences
Freshman Seminar
Department of African Studies
African Development & Underdevelopment
African Language & Cultures
African Political Thought
African Systems of Thought
African World-Writing
China and Africa
AIDS in Africa & African Diaspora
China and Africa
Democracy in Africa
Foundations to African Studies (with a second writing section)
Hip Hop and Popular Culture in Africa
History of Africana Philosophy
Intro to African Literature
Intro to Contemporary Africa (multiple sections)
Liter Film & Society in Africa
Science Technology & African Development
Seminar in Regional Studies
Social Media & Political Change in Africa
Southern Africa
Islam, Youth & Social Change in Africa
Research in African Studies
HIV/AIDS in Africa
Department of Afro-American Studies
Exploitation of the Third World
Intro. to Afro-American I (multiple sections)
Intro. to Afro-American II (multiple sections)
Comparative Slavery
Intro: Egyptian Hieroglyphs II
Intro: Egyptian Hieroglyphs III
Black Thought in the Diaspora
Comparative Black Literature-Writing
Politics of Black Autobiography19th Century
Black Social-Political Thought
Black Experience in the Caribbean
Black Experience in Film
Introduction to Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Introduction to Egyptian Hieroglyphs II
Art History
Intro. to African Art History
West African Art
Issues in African Art
African Art History III
Research in African Art
Central & East African Art
Department of Economics
Economic Development in Africa
Economics of Black Community Development
Natural Resources in African Economic Development
Fine Arts
African American Dress
200+ Hist Doc:Black Women Arch
Blacks in the Arts (multiple sections)
African Dance
African & Afro-American Music
East African Calligraphy
Black Women in Visual Culture
Central and East African Art
Department of History
Intro. to Black Diaspora I (multiple sections)
Intro to Black Diaspora II (multiple sections)
Colloquium on the African Diaspora
Intro. to African History I
West Africa since 1800 (multiple sections)
Topics: Slavery in Africa
Geography of Black Diaspora
Colloquium on African History
Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean
Department of World Languages and Cultures
African Films
Survey Afro-French Civ & Lit
Survey Afro-Hispanic Lit
SpTp: Afro-Hispanic Lit.: Equatorial Guinea
Afro-Hispanic Lit in English
Swahili I
Swahili II
Swahili III
Swahili IV
Swahili: Intensive Grammar Review
Swahili: Oral Expression I
Swahili: Advanced Grammar & Comp
Wolof I
Wolof II
Wolof III
Wolof IV
Arabic I
Arabic II
Arabic III
Arabic IV
Arabic: Oral Expression I
Arabic: Oral Expression II
Arabic: Grammar Review
Department of Philosophy
History of Africana Philosophy
Ancient Egyptian Philosophy
African Philosophy
Department of Political Science
Intro. to African Politics
Introduction to Black Politics
African Nationalism
World Imperialism
Problems of Southern Africa
Gender, Law & Politics
Govt. & Politics of Tropical Africa
International Relations
Politics of the 3rd World
Simulation of International Organ (Model AU)
Department of Psychology
Psychology & the Black Experience
Race & Racism
School of Business
International Marketing
International Entrepreneurship
Principles of International Business
International Human Resources Management
Management of International Business
International Financial Management
Business Communication
School of Communications
Intercultural-Racial Communication
Multicultural Media History
Graduate Courses
This list was updated for Spring 2020.
Department of African Studies
Film & History in Africa & the Diaspora
Lang Lit & Arts Contemporary Africa
Africa in World Affairs
Governance in Africa
Issues in Pub Health Policy & Dev
Scope & Methods of African Studies
Gender Theory & Practice in Africa
Public Policy & African Develop
SpTp: Migrant Rem. & African Development
Development & Planning
African Political Thought
Pan Africanism Past/Present
Islam Culture Philosophy I
Globalization in Africa
Theory in African Studies
NGOs and Africa
Women in African Civilization & Traditions.
Rural Development in Africa
Education & Social Change in Africa
History of South Africa
Foreign Policy Making in African States
Africa in World Affairs
The Rising Powers? Brics & Africa
Research in African Studies
Department of History
Problems African Diaspora
Seminar: African Diaspora
Readings South Africa
Seminar in Africa
West Africa since 1800
Memory and Heritage of Slavery
Graduate School
Contemporary Issues in International Affairs
Capstone in International Studies
Department of Political Science
Public Admin in the 3rd World
Introduction to Black Politics
Black Politics
International Law
International Relations
Black Ideology
School of Communications
African Cinema
Film & Social Change
School of Divinity
Black Theology
History of Black Church
Contemporary Christianity in Africa
World Religions
Religious Fundamentalism the Modern World
Introduction to African Religions
African Religions in Diaspora
History of Islam in Africa
Theologies of Liberation
Third World Theologies
International Economics I
Growth and Development I
Growth and Development II
Growth and Development III
Nat Resources in African Econ Dev
School of Education
Multicultural Education
History of Black Education
School of Law
International Economic Law
Domestic & International Sales
International Moot Court
MC: Int’l Environmental Law
International Business Transactions
International Law
Art History
Black Women in Visual Culture
Research in African Art
School of Business
Global Business Strategies
Department of Psychology
Psychology and the Black Experience
Psychology of the Black Experience (multiple sections)
Department of Sociology
Global Health: Challenges and Sociology
Advanced Seminar Series on U.S.-Africa Policy Development
Fall 2023 | In person | Open to students, faculty, and public
The Seminar Series focuses on practical skills that help students succeed as practitioners in careers in federal government, foreign service, think tanks and international organizations.
Visit Program Page
Executive Education Program
The Executive Education Program of the Center for African Studies at Howard University is a niche program that is designed for working professionals engaged in African affairs. It aims to enable management teams, boards of directors, senior leaders, mid-career professionals, and emerging young leaders to realize their full potential when they lead projects that are located in Africa or involve the African diaspora. Like many executive programs, our target audience includes government agencies, international organizations, and global businesses.
Visit Program Page
Humanitarian Security Professional Development Course
The Center for African Studies at Howard University, with support from the United Nations Development Programme Africa Bureau, is offering a 4-week professional development course on Humanitarian Security for practitioners and graduate students in Summer 2023.
Course Dates: July 11 – August 8, 2023

Self-Paced Course: Hip Hop in Africa
The Hip Hop in Africa online course is designed to introduce students to contemporary African culture, using the lens of hip hop. Hip hop is a major cultural force throughout urban Africa, and the music is a great tool for understanding the social issues and cultural environments impacting African youth today. Through hip hop culture, African artists provide rich and diverse narratives of contemporary Africa. This course is designed to accommodate various levels of familiarity with Africa and provides access to content at various levels of difficulty.
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