Recording of Symposium: Re-Shaping a New US-Africa Policy and the Role of HBCUs

Our Symposium was attended live by 531 individuals on Zoom and YouTube. Did you miss it? Here's your chance to view the recording.
The Department of African Studies and the Center for African Studies at Howard University hosted a one-day virtual symposium on “Re-Shaping a New US-Africa Policy and the Role of HBCUs” on Friday, February 19, 2021 from 9am-5pm. The symposium sought to provide a critical assessment of US-Africa policy since the Cold War, draw on lessons from African American engagement in foreign policymaking, and map out practical areas of engagement with HBCUs in revitalizing American diplomacy and US-Africa policy in the Biden administration.
A working paper will be produced after the meeting in a bid to document and disseminate information on HBCU/African American engagement in US foreign policy and contribute to policy development by proposing bold trajectories for future engagement.
See the Panelist bios and more info on the Symposium's page. View the recording below.