Dr. Beverly Booker Ammah is the newest AFEE grant recipient!

Beverly Booker Ammah

Dr. Beverly Booker Ammah is the newest grant recipient of the Academic Faculty Enhancement and Enrichment (AFEE) Program, a program of the Center for African Studies at Howard University.

Dr. Booker Ammah's proposed project for the AFEE program is entitled “Examining the Impact of Pan African Study Abroad Model Programs on Global Competence among University Students of African Descent”. In her application she explains that "the study focuses upon examining the impact of Pan African model study abroad programs to global competence among university students of African descent which aligns with the purpose of AFEE programsimprove and enhance student learning, curriculum development, teaching, professional development and research related to Africa."

For more information about the AFEE program and how to apply visit the AFEE page.

This year Dr. Booker Ammah initiated the Alternative Spring Break Ghana program at Howard. You can read more about her and her student's experience in this Howard Magazine article: In Their Shoes: Closing the Black Educational Travel Gap One Student at a Time.


Announcement and News