Book Release: The Palgrave Handbook of African Entrepreneurship

EDITORS: Oluwaseun Kolade, Ph.D., David Rae, Ph.D., Demola Obembe, Ph.D., Kassa Woldesenbet Beta, Ph.D.
BOOK TITLE: The Palgrave Handbook of African Entrepreneurship
Released in 2022
About the Book:
This comprehensive handbook offers a state-of-the-art guide to new frontiers of African entrepreneurship. Written from a Pan-African perspective by a cast of international authors, the book addresses the rapid modernisation and evolution of African entrepreneurship and business practices. It maps new developments in entrepreneurial ecosystems, technology and digital entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in conflict zones, and gender and diversity issues. It proposes new models for entrepreneurial financing and explores the contrast between entrepreneurship in high-technology urban centers with peripheral rural districts and conflict zones.
Bringing together empirical insights and case studies from countries across Africa, the Handbook illuminates regional and contextual differences and shares theoretical and practical insights which inform policy and practice. It is an ideal guide for researchers and students working on international business, entrepreneurship and emerging economies. It will also inform policymakers in developing context-informed entrepreneurial policies and initiatives in Africa.
Chapter Highlight:
CHAPTER TITLE: African Youth Rising The Emergence and Growth of Youth-Led Digital Enterprises in Africa
AUTHORS: Wheeler R. Winstead, Ph.D. (Center for African Studies, Howard University) & Jean T. Wells, Ph.D. (School of Business, Howard University)
Africa has been viewed as a continent abundant with natural resources but deficient in human capacity to capitalize on this potential. Africa’s youth have been the pariah of western prognosticators with reports of youth soldiers and the mass exodus across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. Demographics show that Africa has more people under age 18 than on any other continent. This youth population is projected to double by 2050, stressing economic and educational resources. Resultantly, numerous vulnerable and needy youth have become targets for extremist groups. The collision of youth growth and exploitation, coupled with scarce resources, has caused some researchers to label this a “ticking time bomb.” This is the dominant narrative that researchers and the media have used to portray Africans. This chapter presents a counter-narrative. It points to a crop of highly creative African youth entrepreneurs who present the potential to transform and rewrite the continent’s future.